The world's largest independent travel organisation for ATC staff
If you are a member and can't log in, please check your standing order has been processed. If it hasn't, permissions will have been revoked temporarily.
If you are a full or retired member and cannot access the website, please contact the webmaster. If you wish to join as a retired member please follow the instructions below.
For the time being, as the Interline industry has not yet fully recovered, all members who had been paid up until the end of 2020 will have their membership extended until such time we have a new direct debit system set up but likely to be 12 months hence.
New members will be accepted if they meet the criteria & will not have to pay a subscription as per the note above for current members.
Due to the pandemic and ongoing situation with all airlines, we are not accepting new membership applications until further notice. Further information will appear here and on the Facebook page as & when
To make an application to become a member (conditions apply), please download, print and fill out these forms:
» Member Application (Word)
The UKATTS Committee is delighted to announce the creation of a section dedicated to retired UKATTS members. If you have previously been a full member and wish to join the retired section, please fill in the member application form above.
For all membership application information please contact:
For retired membership concession enquiries: